Marcia Selsor on thu 3 jul 97
ITC from the manufacturers in Ponte Vedra Fla. costs $127/gal.
ITC 100 should be diluted with water 50% and sprayed on interior
of kilns.
Marcia in Montana
(back from Spain)
Fay & Ralph Loewenthal wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I received a fax today from the South African suppliers
> of the ITC range of coatings. I was stunned at the price
> per gallon of these coatings. They ranged from about
> R1300.00 to R1900.00 per gallon (there are about 4.50
> SA Rand per US$). This converts to about US$300 to
> US$420. My calculations show me that I can cover from
> 100 to 150 square feet of surface with 1gallon. This
> converts to 4 X 8 cubic foot kilns or 1 X 32 cubic foot kiln. There is no way
> the coatings cost efectively at that price. Can anyone
> tell me what the normal retail price is in the States? Am
> I just being short sighted or correct in feeling that only
> the bigger industries can justify this kind of expense?
> TIA Ralph in PE SA
Marcia Selsor
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