Rick Malmgren on thu 9 jan 97
Wood Fired Pottery Workshop
Jack Troy will present a week-long pottery workshop at the Mesa Art Center,
17-24. Participants with any level of forming skills are welcome, and work
be fired in the Mesa Arts Center's wood kiln at the conclusion of the
Jack Troy is a potter, teacher, and writer from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania,
where he is a member of the art department at Juniata College. He is the
of _Woodfired Stoneware and Porcelain_. His article, "Gleanings - A Potter
China" appeared recently in _Ceramics Monthly_ and his next piece, "A Certain
Depth of Caring," appears in the February issue of CM. He has taught well
100 workshops for potters, lecturing and learning in Australia, the Baltics,
Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Russia.
Workshop dates: February 17-24,1997
Mesa Arts Center
155 N. Center
Mesa, AZ 85211-1466
Registration: $380
Contact: Jeff Reich
602-644-2901 fax
JRclayAZ@juno.com (e-mail)
Send checks(made payable to Galeria Guild)to:
Jack Troy Workshop
Galeria Guild
PO Box 11466
Mesa, AZ 85211-1466
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