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jack troy workshop in vermont

updated wed 30 apr 97


Jan Cannon on wed 23 apr 97

Jack Troy will be giving a workshop at the Frog Hollow State Craft
Center in Middlebury, Vermont, Friday - Sunday, May 9 - 11, from 9:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost for the workshop is $200. There will also be a
slide talk on Friday evening May, 9, at 7:30 p.m. and the cost for that
is $3.

The emphasis for this workshop will be on the evolution of personal
forms. Using the cup as a starting point, Jack will demonstrate several
phases of his own development as a potter, showing how the cup reflects
his concern for functional and aesthetic values. Some of the points he
will illustrate include surface decoration, tactile qualities, inside-
outside considerations, spontaneity and control, as well as focusing
attention on the cup as a whole: lip, foot, body, handle. Thrown cups
will be altered by faceting, carving, paddling and stamping. A slide
talk on contemporary Japanese tea bowls will be included.

For more information about the workshop contact: Frog Hollow State Craft
Center at (802) 388-3177.

Jan Cannon Tel: 802-425-6320
19 Garen Road
Charlotte, VT 05445