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john chalke sdsu lecture

updated mon 31 mar 97


Richard Burkett on fri 28 mar 97

John Chalke will be presenting a public lecture on his work at San Diego
State University on Wednesday, April 9, 1997 at 6pm in room 412 of the Art
building. This is a free, public lecture sponsored by the SDSU Ceramics
Arts Association. Parking is available in spaces marked SP160 around the
art building. Call (619) 594-6511 for more information, or send me email.

All the School of Art phones are down this week after a road resurfacing
machine chewed through about 900 phone lines on Monday, but they should be
working sometime next week (the first week of April).


Richard Burkett - School of Art, SDSU, San Diego, CA 92182-4805
E-mail: <-> Voice mail: (619) 594-6201
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