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kiln damper

updated thu 31 jul 97


Dan C Tarro on wed 16 jul 97

I find that I will be in need of a new damper for my gas reduction kiln.
The one that I am replacing is an old sil. carbide shelf which I think is
3/8 inch thick. Noticed that in the last two firings that it has cracked
and is coming close to falling in two. The damper slides into the flue
standing vertical from left of the stack to right. Does anyone know of a
material that will take the heat without warping or cracking? How about a
ceramic fiber board of some kind? How do they ware with the movement? Are
there other materials?


Dan Tarro
Oak Tree Stoneware
Ham Lake, Mn

Talbott on thu 17 jul 97

Nils Lou is one source for supplying such a damper... We bought and have
used his damper for several years with NO problems.... He is a frequent
contributor to Clayart... I don't have his address handy but I am sure
someone does... Marshall

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I find that I will be in need of a new damper for my gas reduction kiln.
>The one that I am replacing is an old sil. carbide shelf which I think is
>3/8 inch thick. Noticed that in the last two firings that it has cracked
>and is coming close to falling in two. The damper slides into the flue
>standing vertical from left of the stack to right. Does anyone know of a
>material that will take the heat without warping or cracking? How about a
>ceramic fiber board of some kind? How do they ware with the movement? Are
>there other materials?
>Dan Tarro
>Oak Tree Stoneware
>Ham Lake, Mn


Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)
WBS Live Chat Room, Sat Nites 10 PM EDT, Private Room: Clayarters

David Hendley on thu 17 jul 97

We've always used steel dampers.
3/8" thick would be great.
The steel will warp & flake over the years, but you can usually find a
suitable piece of steel at the scrap metal yard for 5 bucks, and that ain't
bad for several years of service. Last time I found a piece that, when cut
in two, would make 2 dampers - 2 for $5!
David Hendley
Maydelle, Texas

Rick Sherman on sun 20 jul 97

----------------------------Original message--------------------------
I find that I will be in need of a new damper for my gas reduction
kiln. The one that I am replacing is an old sil. carbide shelf which I
think is 3/8 inch thick. Noticed that in the last two firings that it
has cracked and is coming close to falling in two. The damper slides
into the flue standing vertical from left of the stack to right. Does
anyone know of a material that will take the heat without warping or
cracking? How about a ceramic fiber board of some kind? How do they
ware with the movement? Are there other materials?


Dan Tarro
Oak Tree Stoneware
Ham Lake, Mn


Dan: Your description of the placement of your damper leads me to
believe it is a vertical cutoff placed directly behind exit flue from
kiln into stack. If so, you encounter a lot of heat at that point. I
placed my damper about 3 feet up the stack. Gasses had cooled off a
bit and I never had cracking. I also switched to another method for
reduction firing. I have four pull bricks in the stack just above the
damper. I pull one or more out and it serves as a bypass, drawing air
from the outside rather than the kiln. Result is more backpressure in
the kiln for reduction fire. Did not use damper at all.