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lampshade source

updated mon 30 sep 96


Eleanora Eden on fri 13 sep 96

Primo catalog for all lamp parts including shades is:

W.N. deSherbinin
PO 63
Hawleyville, CT 06440

They have always been pleasant to do business with, too.


Eleanora Eden 802 869-2003
Paradise Hill
Bellows Falls, VT 05101 on fri 13 sep 96

Hi All,
I get my lampshades from Handmade Lampshades 207 Conant St Maumee OH 43537.
Tel: 800 622 3050. They are advertised in CM. They are a small company and
don't have a minimum oreder requirement. Thay do have discounts on large
orders. You also are not limited to stock shade sizes. They will make any
shape you want. Nice folks, who understand craftspeoples' needs. When I put
in an order they ask if I've got a show coming up so they can rush the order.
Jennifer in Vermont