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latex resist

updated sun 30 jun 96


Mary Gonos on wed 5 jun 96

Date: Wed, 05 Jun 1996 08:26:27
From: Mary Gonos
Subject: Latex Resist

Friends in Clay -

Can someone please comment on using latex resist? For instance, can you
only use it on raw bisque or can you put it over an area just glazed (but
not yet fired) to allow glazing of the other portion of a piece. With wax
resist I sometimes dip in glaze and then wax and then other glazes, is this
possible with latex resist?

Thanks for your help.

Mary, in St. Louis where the weather gods are smiling on us this week.

JoAnn Axford on thu 6 jun 96

I have used latex resist on leather hard pots to resist slip decorations.
Pull it off before firing.. I have also used it on bisque ware to resist
glaze. When I tried it on top of a glazed surface it didn't work as well.
It was difficult to brush on the "dusty" glazed surface. Also, pulling it
off sometimes disturbed the glaze underneath it. Another useful tip. Get a
bottle of rubber cement thinner. When your brush gets too full of latex that
is beginning to dry, soak it in the rubber cement thinner. When I'm doing a
lot of latex resist decorating, I rotate 3 different brushes (all the same
size), two can be soaking while I'm using the third. Have fun with the
latex. Yours In Clay, JoAnn Axford.