Stuart Altmann on mon 8 apr 96
One possible way to get rid of the leaks around your dust mask is to put a
ring of foam weatherstripping around the inside of the edge. Foam
weatherstripping, used around windows and doors that leak cold air, is
available at any good hardware store--unless at this time of the year they
have gotten rid of their winter stock. It has an adhesive on a flat face,
with a peel-off protective strip, so it is easy to apply. Several varieties
are available. One is a hollow tube of medium-firm foam. Another, perhaps
better for conforming to the soft tissues of the face, is made of a softer
foam with larger air bubbles.
Stuart Altmann
Janathel M. Shaw on tue 9 apr 96
Is it o.k. to have this material pressed close to your face for long periods of
time? Do you know if it's known to irritate the skin?
Charles Gaudi on wed 10 apr 96
Don't try to repair this old respirator, its not worth it. A new 3-M model
6000 should cost you less than $20.00 and has silicon face piece that stays
soft and fits well in the proper size. Your health is too valuable to risk
on this old face mask. Dead pootter throw few pots!
Charlie in Florida (I'm in the Safety and Health business)
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Is it o.k. to have this material pressed close to your face for long periods of
>time? Do you know if it's known to irritate the skin?
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