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lee's kiln wash (was-re: ? recipes for wash)

updated mon 30 jun 97


Talbott on sun 8 jun 97

Susan: Having ruined too much pottery in the past with those ever flaking
kiln washes... I finally broke down and bought a gallon of Lee's Kiln Wash
from Axner Pottery Supply.. This stuff works out to be the cheapest wash I
have ever used because of all the LABOR and TIME and POTTERY that it saves
me. If there was a better wash I would use it... but so far this is the
best I have ever used and I still HIGHLY recommend it.... Marshall
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I recently purchased a new kiln and fire up to cone 10. I have used a
>shelf wash of 50% Kaolin and 50% Silica (flint; 200 mesh). I am
>searching for new recipes for a non-flaking kiln wash for shelves.
> Has anyone ever used 50% Koalin and 50% Mullite (35-100 mesh)? Any
>help/advice/experiences in this area would be appreciated. Thanks in


Celia & Marshall Talbott, Pottery By Celia, Route 114, P O Box 4116,
Naples, Maine 04055-4116,(207)693-6100 voice and fax,(call first)
WBS Live Chat Room, Sat Nites 10 PM EDT, Private Room: Clayarters

Nancy Jervey on mon 9 jun 97

I also use Lee's Kiln Wash. I totally agree with Marshall. I am sick
of messing up the bottom of pots. Lee's works great!!! No bad bottoms,
no flaking of kiln wash! I had been using 50 Kaolin- 50 flint. Lee's
is 100% better.
Nancy in Maine

Joanna Ellis-Monaghan on mon 9 jun 97

Can you give a source please--

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Nancy Jervey wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I also use Lee's Kiln Wash. I totally agree with Marshall. I am sick
> of messing up the bottom of pots. Lee's works great!!! No bad bottoms,
> no flaking of kiln wash! I had been using 50 Kaolin- 50 flint. Lee's
> is 100% better.
> Nancy in Maine