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lessons in pottery

updated fri 31 jan 97


Shelly on sun 26 jan 97

Thanks to those of you who offered information and advice on wheels. As one
member recommended, I am very interested in taking pottery
lessons...especially working with various clays and working on the wheel.

I live just outside Sacramento, California. I have contacted every pottery
or ceramics place listed in the yellow pages but none know of anyone who
provides instruction. I enrolled at the local community college which had a
class listed in it's catalog but when I registered for the class I found all
to be filled.

If anyone knows anyone who teaches pottery in this area, I would love to get
in touch with them.

Thanks again!!!

Shelly Holland

Rick Brady on tue 28 jan 97


Check out UC Davis (just a few minutes west of Sacramento). The campus
Recreation Guide has several pottery classes. These programs are
available to the local community and friends (parents of students) of
the university. Pottery classes are taught in the Silo which is the
center for various recreation art classes such as pottery, stained
glass, metal art, etc. The pottery students have access to several
electric and kick wheels, two kilns, etc. They also have weekend Raku
classes. I've seen demonstrations put on by various instructors who
seem quite competent. The class schedule follows the academic quarter
(9 weeks) and range from $60 to $80 per quarter. Give them a call. I'm
sure they can send you a copy the Recreation Guide which has a
description and schedule for all the classes offered. My daughter is a
student at Davis and I'm hopeing to combine a visit to her with a
weekend raku class. Maybe I'll see you there. Good Luck!!
>From: Shelly[]
>Sent: Sunday, January 26, 1997 1:34 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list CLAYART
>Subject: Lessons in Pottery
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Thanks to those of you who offered information and advice on wheels. As one
>member recommended, I am very interested in taking pottery
>lessons...especially working with various clays and working on the wheel.
>I live just outside Sacramento, California. I have contacted every pottery
>or ceramics place listed in the yellow pages but none know of anyone who
>provides instruction. I enrolled at the local community college which had a
>class listed in it's catalog but when I registered for the class I found all
>to be filled.
>If anyone knows anyone who teaches pottery in this area, I would love to get
>in touch with them.
>Thanks again!!!
>Shelly Holland

Jim Horvitz on tue 28 jan 97

Try Sierra Nevada College in Tahoe. They have a great program. Jim Horvitz