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lori wilkinson?

updated mon 30 jun 97


John Guerin on thu 12 jun 97

Hi Lori,

I know you are still on the list because I say one of your postings a few
days ago, but when I tried to contact you on the internet, your mail came
back undeliverable. You must have changed your address. I wanted to let you
know about that Indian Pottery class you were asking me about. I will be
teaching a Southwest Indian Traditional Pottery class for the University of
Arizona - Tucson Elderhostel Program. It is scheduled for Jan 18-24, 1998.
It will be in the Elderhostel Catologue coming out later this year. It will
be a hands-on, coil-and scrape building method used by the indians for the
last two thousand years here in the southwest.

John Guerin
Tucson, AZ