on thu 18 jul 96
Folks, My post hasn't been out for 24 hours yet and I'm already getting a
load of e mail looking for adresses and info. As I said in the original post
please CALL THE SHOP and one of us will be happy to give you the info you
need. I do not have the adresses entered into my computer and it will take a
bit of time to do so. Until then, once again, we will be happy to give you
whatever info you need but please call. M-Thurs: 9:30-5:30, Fri: 9:30-1:30
Steve Branfman
The Potters Shop
617 449 7687 on mon 22 jul 96
Here's the info. If anyone has names and addresses of other publications
please send them to me so I can keep this list updated. Thanks
Steve Branfman
The Potters Shop
Pottery/Crafts Magazine Info
American Ceramics
9 East 45 St
New York, NY 10017
212/661 4397 Fax 212/661 2389
American Craft Magazine
American Crafts Council
72 Spring St
New York NY, 10012
Art Calendar:
PO Box 199,
Upper Fairmount MD, 21867
800/597 5988 Fax 410/651 5313
Ceramic Review
21 Carnaby St
London W1V 1PH
0171 439 3377 Fax 0171 287 9954
Ceramics Art And Perception
35 William St, Paddington,
Sydney NSW Australia, 2021
Ceramics Monthly
735 Ceramic Place
PO Box 6102
Westerville Ohio, 43086
614/523 1660 Fax 614/891 8960
Ceramics Technical
35 William St, Paddington,
Sydney NSW Australia, 2021
Clay Times:
PO Box 365
Waterford VA, 20197
800/356 2529
8601 Warden Ave,
Box 56599,
Makham, Ontario L3R 0M6 Canada
800/315 0857
Crafts Council
44a Pentonville Rd
London N1 9BY
Crafts Report:
PO Box 1992,
Wilmington DE 19899
800/777 7098 Fax 302/656 4894
New Zealand Potter
PO Box 881
New Zealand
(09)415 9817 Fax (09)309 3247
Pottery In Australia:
PO Box 937 Crows Nest,
Sydney NSW
Australia 2065
(02)9901 3353 Fax (02)436 1681
Studio Potter
PO Box 70
Goffstown, NH 03045
603/774 3542
Studio Potter Network Newsletter (Available to pottery groups only)
PO Box 70
Goffstown, NH 03045
603/774 3542
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