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manganese/other metals/prkinson's

updated wed 30 apr 97


Jean Campbell on mon 21 apr 97

Jim Gorman wrote:
Recent australian research shows that Parkinson's (& Alzheimers)
syndromes seems to correlate well with histories of head/brain injuries
in earlier life. Apparently boxers virtually all exhibit similar
symptoms in later years.
Hopefully this information will prevent another tangled endless thread.

Marvin Giles on tue 22 apr 97

Recent australian research shows that Parkinson's (& Alzheimers)
> syndromes seems to correlate well with histories of head/brain injuries
> in earlier life. Apparently boxers virtually all exhibit similar
> symptoms in later years.
> Hopefully this information will prevent another tangled endless thread.

I was going to leave this alone, but--- can't help it. Two years ago my
husband, who was forty four, was diagnosed with Parkinsons. We did a lot
research. If you are curious,there is a wealth of information on the
Do a search for Parkinsons Disease. There are numerous factors that can
contribute to development of this condition. The ones I remember off hand,
because they apply to my husband, are: family history of neurological
problems, exposure to pesticides (you can probably put heavy metal exposure
in here too), living in rural areas, and head trauma. The area of the
brain involved seems to be sensitive to many different assaults. Symptoms
do not develop until 90%+ of the relevant cells are gone. This means you
do a lot of damage before you know about it. Parkinsons takes away first
your ability to control your movement, then your ability to move and can
lead to dementia and a host of other unpleasant side effects. Using
manganese in clay and glaze may not be enough to produce symptoms now, but
if you add in all the other factors, why take the risk that you are adding
the straw to break the camels back?

Kristen Giles