Ed Pierce on sat 13 apr 96
To those interested in Mata Ortiz pottery -- There is a well organized
display of 40 MO potters' work at the Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum here
in Tucson. The display will be in place until 25 April. Juan Quezada and 7
or 8 others were giving demonstrations today and will do the same tomorrow.
Included in today's demo's were MO's traditional one-pot cow chip firings.
I did not know the potters were going to be there or I would have given
notice earlier. Exhibitions without potters are fairly common here.
There was some interest shown a month or so ago about travel to MO and
workshops with Juan Q. Turquoise Tours (520-625-6380) offers 3-day trips
monthly from Tucson; transportation, accommodations, meals and Paquime Ruin
fees included for $395. Karen of TT has arranged a workshop with Juan in MO
this June. It will be a week long and I believe all spaces are spoken for.
I will give my impressions when I return.
No connection with TT, let me know if you would like more info,
Edwin Pierce
Tucson, Arizona
Internet Address: edwinp@bud.indirect.com
Nancy Silver on sat 5 jan 02
Dennis & Gail asked about mata ortiz pottery. the tanner chaney gallery =
in albuquerque had a lot of it my last trip. this was in june 00. =
since the popularity is increasing, i assume many places carry it as =
well, but they did have a large selection at the time. 323 Romero NW #5 =
albuquerque. it's north west of the plaza a block or 2, in old town. =
i have one little pot. but they even had pots by juan quezada and =
we'll be there in june have a great time
Nancy in cincinnati (#2)
Earl Brunner on sat 5 jan 02
Do an Internet search, there is quite a bit on the web.
Nancy Silver wrote:
> Dennis & Gail asked about mata ortiz pottery. the tanner chaney gallery in albuquerque had a lot of it my last trip. this was in june 00. since the popularity is increasing, i assume many places carry it as well, but they did have a large selection at the time. 323 Romero NW #5 albuquerque. it's north west of the plaza a block or 2, in old town. i have one little pot. but they even had pots by juan quezada and family.
> we'll be there in june have a great time
> Nancy in cincinnati (#2)
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@pclink.com.
Earl Brunner
Kurt Wild on sat 5 jan 02
Dennis, Gail & others interested in Mata Ortiz:
You really should try and go to Mata Ortiz. If you love the pottery it
would thrill you to no end to visit the potters in their own homes. I've
bee three times - love it!
A wonderful source of information is a newsletter maintained by Spencer and
Emalie MacCallum -
The Heather Foundation
Box 180 / Tonopah NV 89049
775-482-2038 / 5897 Fax
The newsletter lists events, workshops, exhibitions, guides, galleries -
whatever you wan t to know!
Bob Hanlin on thu 10 jan 02
I also saw some this summer in Ouray, CO. It was in a gallery off the main
drag. Quite a spiffy place.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Silver"
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: mata ortiz pottery
Dennis & Gail asked about mata ortiz pottery. the tanner chaney gallery in
albuquerque had a lot of it my last trip. this was in june 00. since the
popularity is increasing, i assume many places carry it as well, but they
did have a large selection at the time. 323 Romero NW #5 albuquerque.
it's north west of the plaza a block or 2, in old town. i have one little
pot. but they even had pots by juan quezada and family.
we'll be there in june have a great time
Nancy in cincinnati (#2)
Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
May Herz on fri 11 jan 02
Regarding Mata Ortiz pottery, you can view some wonderful pots at our =
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