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mata ortiz reference

updated tue 30 apr 96


Ed Pierce on wed 17 apr 96

Hi Folks,

For all who have shown an interest in MO pottery the following are the
contents of the journal_ Kiva_, Vol. 60, No.1, 1994, (ISSN:0023-1940), a
publication of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society. In my
opinion it is the best publication to date on the subject.


1) Introduction: Chronology and Perspective on the Mata Ortiz Phenomenon

2) Photo Section

3) Making Pottery at Mata Ortiz

4) Pioneering an Art Movement in Northern Mexico: The Potters of Mata Ortiz

5) The Potters of Porvenir: The Lesser Known Artisans of Mata Ortiz

6) La Familia Banuelos: A Case Study of a Mata Ortiz Potterymaking Family

7) Through a Mother's Eyes: A Conversation with Dona Paulita

Comment: Article 3) by Jan Bell, Curator of Collections at the Arizona
State Museum is a 37 page description of the MO process from clay
preparation to firing (including firing times and temperature

The 148 page issue can be ordered from:

AAH Society
Arizona State Museum
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721- 0026


1-9 Copies: $12 ea.; S&H: 1-2 Copies: $2; 3-9 Copies: $4
The $ are U.S. and S&H U.S., better check for shipping outside U.S.



Edwin Pierce
Tucson, Arizona
Internet Address: