Rick HAll on tue 17 sep 96
I am looking for the tobacco/oxcide ratio for
mochaware also I would like to build my own gas fired
kiln does anyone have plans they could share?
Thank you for your help.
Jackie Hall
Talbott on wed 18 sep 96
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I am looking for the tobacco/oxcide ratio for
>mochaware also I would like to build my own gas fired
>kiln does anyone have plans they could share?
>Thank you for your help.
>Jackie Hall
Jackie---Contact Nils Lou, he wrote the BOOK as they say--- "The Art of
Firing"--buy this book and you will have an excellent guide to kiln
construction--his address is: nlou@linfield.edu
--Best wishes--Marshall
Marshall Talbott
Pottery By Celia
Route 114
P.O. Box 4116
Naples, Maine 04055-4116
(207)693-6100 voice and fax
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