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more andy goldsworthy

updated sun 31 mar 96


JOE BENNION on thu 28 mar 96

I was captured by Goldsworthy's work some years back and have taken
every opportunity to check it out that has come along. The three most worn art
books in our collection are his. They are all published by Harry N. Abrams,
Inc. 100 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10011 and are as follows: Hand to Earth:
Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture 1976-1990, (ISBN 0-8109-3420-5), Andy Goldsworthy:
A Collaboration With Nature, (ISBN 0-8109-3351-9), and STONE, (ISBN
Andy lives in Dumfriesshire, Scotland with his wife Judith and their
four children. I was privileged to get to one of his exhibition/installations
at the San Jose Museum of Art last year while doing a workshop in nearby
Cupertino.It was a very moving experience. I've seldom seem art of any genre
that has as much quiet strength. Craft is the word that comes to mind. Though
his pieces are not intended for use they have a very intimate and human feel.
Enough said. I gotta go. Joe the Potter