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mosaic tiles

updated wed 31 jul 96


MRS DIANE S ZUBRICK on tue 23 jul 96

In the "Mosaic Book", by Peggy Vance and Celia Goodrick-Clarke, many
projects are made with glass tessarae. Does anyone have a good
United States source for these glass squares?

Diane Schwob Zubrick
Centerville, Ohio

Cynthia Hull on wed 24 jul 96


You can call Renato Bisazza Inc. in Miami, 305-597-4099, for a local
distributer. They make 3/4" glass tiles in a good variety of colors and
will be producing 1/2" tiles soon. They also have a line of small
irregualar shape tiles. This is the only source I have ever found.


----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>In the "Mosaic Book", by Peggy Vance and Celia Goodrick-Clarke, many
>projects are made with glass tessarae. Does anyone have a good
>United States source for these glass squares?
>Diane Schwob Zubrick
>Centerville, Ohio