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my new kiln

updated fri 24 oct 97


Suzanne Scarbrough on tue 21 oct 97

Hi Clayarters,

I have a new Skutt 818 with a Kiln Master.I did my first firing to cone
04 with the kiln empty,as they suggested.It was fine.The cone went to 90
degrees as it should.However when I did my first bisque firing using the
04 self-supporting cone in the slow 12 hour mode,which took all day
yeaterday,opened it this morning,finally,the cone had not gone over.I
followed the directions using the'cone-fire'mode.I probably should have
used the 3 cones,03,04,05,but I didn't.It shut off automatically like it
was supposed to at 1938F.My question is do I need to refire the whole
load or is it ok to glaze? I have a combination of functional and
non-functiomal stuff in there.Is there anyone else out there who has a
Kilnmaster who can give me some advice?

