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nanaimo tozan not going up in smoke, yet!

updated mon 30 jun 97


The Shelfords on tue 24 jun 97

Hi everybody -

The meeting with the environmental folks was jumped to today, instead of
this Thursday. Tremendous thanks to those clayarters who were fast off the
mark with their responses. I printed them out and faxed them to our people
going to the meeting, and those suggestions, coupled with our commitment to
work with engineers to modify the kiln, chimney, techniques, whatever - was
enough for them to give us permission to complete the summer firings while
we worked things out. All of the clayarters' suggestions were discussed,
and all will be followed up in some way or other. The government people
were highly impressed with the whole presentation.
Way to go, Clayart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE CONTINUE to send any suggestions or thoughts that occur to you. We
are off the hook as far as being closed down is concerned, at least for the
moment, but we still need to solve the problem.

Thank you thank you thank you AGAIN!

- Veronica

Veronica Shelford
s-mail: P.O. Box 6-15
Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Tel: (250) 246-1509