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nanimo tozan smoke problem

updated mon 30 jun 97


Sylvia See on wed 25 jun 97

Hi all,
Very interesting responses to the wood firing smoke problem.
A couple of years ago I was trying to solve the smoke problem from my
sawdust firing. A friend was involved with a new plant that burned rubber
tires and he said they solved the smoke and environment problems by
building a chamber where the smoke went and then reburned the smoke. The
problem emmissions were burned off in the second chamber by having a burner
above where the smoke left the chamber.
We rigged up a flexible hose on my sawdust kiln, (metal flexible hose for
kiln vent) and vented the smoke into a metal garbage can where we burned
the smoke with a propane torch before it could leave the top of the can,
and it worked.
This was just an experiment on a small scale to see how it worked, but it
is worth some thought. If they can solve the problems of burning tires,
maybe it would be worth investigating how easily it can done.
Sylvia See Claresholm, Alberta