Bliss, Kris on thu 17 apr 97
i have been reading the nceca thread with interest and
must say i agree with most said, i am surprised no one
has metioned the nils lou lecture. ?
My biggest regret of the whole thing was that i did not
attend his lecture from the beginning. it was so hard
trying to decide which to attend, after cruising what else
was available i ended up in a packed, standing room only
area discussing just what i needed. like i said, big mistake
not being there from the beginning. as i was squeezing myself
in, a comment was made to me that the problem was, no one
had left.
i did purchase some the the shelf repair stuff
from tom, but need more infor on ITC. Will it repair my
huge soft brick crack ? i understand it will protect from
further damage. right ?
and what about the little raku kiln? will itc seal
ceramic fiber ?
Are the presentations at nceca recorded?? can we
acess the info ? I mean so we dont pester folks for info
already given?
kris bliss
in anchorage, where the snow has melted, and spring
has sprung.
Sheila Clennell on sat 19 apr 97
> i did purchase some the the shelf repair stuff
> from tom, but need more infor on ITC. Will it repair my
> huge soft brick crack ? i understand it will protect from
> further damage. right ?
> and what about the little raku kiln? will itc seal
> ceramic fiber ?
> ?
> kris bliss
> in anchorage, where the snow has melted, and spring
> has sprung.
Kris: The ITC products work wonders for patching kilns. Along our burner
ports the IFB brick had spalled. We picked all the crumblies out, sprayed
with ITC 100, patched with ITC 200 and the sprayed the surface with ITC l00
again.Not only did it repair the kiln, the kiln is firing much faster.
As for the raku kiln it should definitely be sprayed with ITC 100. The
surface will be hard and durable and will seal those nasty ceramic fibers
that are floating into your lungs. My ceramic supplier Frank Tucker told
me that ceramic fiber has been banned in Scandinavan countries!!. I still
see the benefits of using it but wear a mask when handling it and spray it
with ITC 100 to seal it.
Talk to Alice Delkic at ITC about samples 1(904)285-0200
Long may your chimney smoke!
Sheila and Tony Clennell
Gleason Brook Pottery
Box l0, RR#2,
Wiarton, Ontario
Phone # 1 (519) 534-2935
Fax # 1 (519) 534-0602
Carol Durnford on tue 22 apr 97
At 12:24 PM 4/17/97 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Right-on about Nil's lecture, it was the best. I'm glad I skipped out of
the ^6 early just to attend his at Noon. I thought it was really lousy
scheduling. More people would have loved to sit in on his lecture. I
certainly learned a lot.
Kudos to him.
Dave Durnford
Box 2145
Missoula MT 59806
Dannon Rhudy on wed 23 apr 97
More people could not have gotten in. A loud-speaker in the
hall would have been nice. Or perhaps the gold room downstairs...
It was great. I was a bit late, crowd hanging out the door.
Could hear, but everyone in front of me seemed to be 6'4" or so;
didn't see a lot (hate missing all those hi-tech visuals...).
What was really interesting was that as people left when it was
over, no one was whining that their time had been wasted - lot of
excited voices talking about possibilities.
Indeed, kudos to him.
Dannon Rhudy
At 12:24 PM 4/17/97 EDT, you wrote:
Right-on about Nil's lecture, it was the best. thought it was
really lousy
scheduling. More people would have loved to sit in on his
lecture. I
certainly learned a lot.
Kudos to him.
Dave Durnford
Box 2145
Missoula MT 59806
Linda McNary on wed 23 apr 97
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>At 12:24 PM 4/17/97 EDT, you wrote:
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Right-on about Nil's lecture, it was the best. I'm glad I skipped out of
>the ^6 early just to attend his at Noon. I thought it was really lousy
>scheduling. More people would have loved to sit in on his lecture. I
>certainly learned a lot.
>Kudos to him.
>Dave Durnford
>Box 2145
>Missoula MT 59806
I don't know why this has not occurred to me before now. But when I read
your message Dave, it suddenly registered with me how disappointed I was to
miss Nils Lou's presentatiopn (it was one of the top items on my priority
list) and this is my sad story...
But first, I'm confused Dave! I thought Nils' presentation was at 10
am-noon and the ^6 with Turnbull, Wilson, Pinnell, DeMay was 1:30-3 pm on
But it's really neither here nor there because my particular problem was
that apparently Montezuma chased me all the way back to Vegas from Mexico
City (the wonderful, fabulous pre-conference trip where I wasn't at all
ill) and nailed me on Thursday am and early pm. I was flat on my back
(most of the time that is...) in my room. I did manage finally to make it
to the last half of ^6 at about 2:45 pm but with limited ability to focus
and concentrate. My question is: will there be any kind of follow-up
transcript of the proceedings available? And if not, did anyone take
substantive notes that they would be willing to share with me. I'll be
happy to cover any copying costs.
I would contact you directly Nils, but I don't have your address. Can
anyone help? Thanks in advance!
Linda McNary in Minneapolis
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