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nceca - alfred exhibition/irony

updated sun 31 mar 96


LEE on sat 30 mar 96

Dear Clayart Folks,

I hesitate to post this, but it still sticks in my mind.

After the NCECA conference, many people drove down to Alfred to
see their wonderful program. I was one of those fortunate people.

Anyway, we went to see the student show. I attended with a friend
and we walked into the gallery and viewed two very nice, tall,
wheel-thrown and altered pots. They appeared to be porcelain,
predominately white, with matt surfaces. My friend looked down
at the label and said "gee, I wish they would put their names on
these pieces". I laughed, as I pointed out to him that they DID
put their names on the labels! The student's name was Matt Towers.

Matt, wherever you are, I'll never forget your work or your name.
I hope you take this anectode with a smile, keep up the good work,
and I'll look for more of your pieces in the future!

BTW, the faculty exhibition at Alfred was one of the highlights of my
trip. Very impressive and stimulating.