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nceca connections/topical leaders wanted

updated sat 30 nov 96


Linda Arbuckle on fri 22 nov 96

Note from Rimas VisGirda:

Group leaders are still being sought for NCECA Connections and Topical
discussion groups for the Las Vegas conference. This is a volunteer
position, with no financial return, but accepted leaders will be published
in the program and receive a letter of invitation (which may help secure
institutional funding if one is "institutionalized" ).

Send letter about suggested topic BY DECEMBER 10, 1996 to:

Rimas VisGirda
Art Dept.
Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, IL 61701
(W) (309) 556-3523
(Fax) (309) 556-3411 Attn: VisGirda, Art Dept.
(H) (217) 398-1956

Linda Arbuckle E-mail:
Associate Professor, Graduate Co-Ordinator
Univeristy of Florida
Department of Art P.O. Box 115801
Gainesville, FL 32611-5801 Ceramics: (352) 392-0228