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nceca schools database project

updated sun 31 mar 96


Linda Arbuckle on sat 16 mar 96

Greetings all. The annual conference of the National Council on Education
for the Ceramic Arts happens next week in Rochester, NY. I'll be gathering
info to work on an electronic version of the ceramics programs guide.

Anyone affiliated with a program and coming to the conference, please talk
with the powers that be and designate someone to submit information at the
NCECA booth. There will be forms to fill out, or perhaps a database. (Anyone
who has Filemaker Pro for Win experience and is willing to chat, PLEASE send
me an e-mail note!)

Information to bring: similar to what was in the old program guide:
School name, address, phone #'s, URL's
Address or person to contact for admissions info.
Credit or non. Degrees awarded. Tuition and fees (instate/out-of-state).
Financial aid available.
No. of semester or etc. hours for each degree.
Faculty, background/degrees, specialties. Phone numbers (office, home is
desired), e-mail addresses, URL's.
Student body overall, art, ceramics.
Location, access hours of studio, studio space (sq. ft. for Ceramics,
individual studios, kiln, glaze, other areas).
Equipment info: how many of what, incl. sq. ft. of kilns.

I am HUMBLED in the face of database design, but determined to get a start
at the conference on an electronic version of this that can be used online
eventually, and updated easily. I'll be looking for state volunteers to help
gather program info after the conference. Last tiime this was done in paper
form a lot of programs were missed.

Stop by the NCECA booth and say hey.

Linda the Techno-Peasant

Linda Arbuckle E-mail:
Asst. Prof.
Univeristy of Florida
Department of Art 302 FAC
Gainesville, FL 32611 Ceramics: (352) 392-0228