Louis Katz on fri 26 sep 97
The Second NCECA Symposium: Tradition in Transition: Shapers of Clay
Asheville,North Carolina,small but cosmopolitan,is the appropriate
site for this symposium,to be held Thursday November 13 through
Saturday,November 15, 1997. Asheville has been called the heart of
fine arts and crafts.
Featured speakers are critic Donald Kuspit State University of New
York,Stony Brook,who will speak on =B3Directions and issues in the
Ceramic Sculpture of the Nineties=3B=B2 potter Mary Barringer,Shelburne
Falls , MA, whose topic will be =B3Between Studio and University
Teaching=3B=B2and educator Andrea Gill, NYS College of Ceramics at
Alfred University, whose talk will be on =B3The influence of
Educational Institutions on Contemporary Ceramics.=B2 The featured
speakers and the recipient of the NCECA Excellence in Teaching Award,
Don Reitz, will participate in a round table moderated by George
Kokis, University of Oregon.
The symposium will start on Thursday with a progressive opening
reception, allowing participants to get acquainted with each other
while visiting local galleries and the Asheville Art Museum. Highwater
Clays, Inc., has been instrumental in organizing this event. On Friday
evening enjoy a claymixer reception with dance music provided by Russ
Scrugg=B9s band. The NCECA Potlatch on the same evening will allow
participants, who bring a piece, to leave with a colleague=B9s
piece(chosen by ticket number).The symposium will close with a
luncheon honoring Don Reitz. Rodger Lang, Metropolitan State College
of Denver, will make the presentation.
For those who have a little more time, there are several
activities in which you might take part, such as attending the post
tour of the Penland area potters studios. Other activities might
include visiting might include visiting the Biltmore Estate, Asheville
artists studios, Grove Park Inn, or touring the Blue Ridge Parkway.
You still have time to register for the symposium and actively
participate in the dialogue between diverse schools of ceramics-the
traditional makers of clay objects and the educator/ceramic artist. In
response to a number of requests we have received, the registration
deadline has been extended from September 5 to October 1.This will
those who were away this summer sufficient time to make arrangements
to attend. If you have misplaced your registration from or need
additional copies to give to friends, call Regina Brown,
1-800-99-NCECA before October 1 or Minerva Naverette 718 939 0963
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