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need firebricks

updated thu 31 oct 96


James Shepard on fri 4 oct 96

We are looking for 300 insulation firebrick. Justin Smith, a jr. college
student and future clay artist, will drive to any part of California to pick
up. He has more time and interest than money (student). K23's or 26's, new
or recycled, they need to be in good shape they will be used to rebuild, a
older kiln. Some for the arch an the rest to build new front door*sill an walls.
He ask if I would put this out for him, If you're able to help him with the
kiln respond to me, and I'll put him in touch with you. TIA Jim Shepard
Jim & Suzanne
Terrashire Studios
4273 N. Thorne Ave
Fresno, Cal. 93704