The Shelfords on wed 23 apr 97
Hi everyone -
I am looking at the possibility of repairing a soft brick salt kiln that has
seen quite a few years of firing. I have been reading about various
treatments ITC has been used for, but still have some questions:
1. Should we scrape the corroded bricks down until we see little
deterioration, then apply ITC?
2. Can we just apply ITC over the corroded bricks?
3. Will it stop the continuing deterioration, or will the salt that is
already in the bricks eventually leach through? Some of the bricks have
been replaced and are pretty new, showing very little salt damage.
4. What the heck is ITC anyway?
5. Is ITC used by itself or with other sealing agents?
6. Having gone to all this trouble, will it really extend the life of our
salt kiln?
Hope someone out there knows more about this than I do. (They could hardly
know less!!!!)
Thanks all.
Veronica Shelford
s-mail: P.O. Box 6-15
Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Tel: (250) 246-1509
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