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no cone movement

updated sat 31 may 97


Michael Hart on mon 19 may 97

Hi again,

Well, I opened the kiln the next morning and the glazes were fine. The
comes on the bottom shelf looked as if they were just starting to soften
up -- on the top nothing.
Mostly I had used a clear glaze however on the top shelf 95% were glazed
with Floating Blue. Usually I get brown,blue, green. This time just
brown. It is still very nice, just no variation.
I had also put a red iron, rutile wash around the rim of 2 pots and this
spit all over the kiln.

I remember that usually I fire with cones marked 5A, 6A, 7 this time I
took them from a different box. Just 5, 6, 7. They were not all white
as I read in someones post earlier so do not know if these are older or
not. (but will not use them again!!)

I have ordered a pyrometer but did not have one for this firing.
I am anxious for the next firing to see what happens. Thanks for all
the suggestions.
