Dawn Finney on mon 3 jun 96
Good morning,
As I was writing up my question this morning, I glanced over at the list of
subjects in the mail window to my left and saw "Once fire in an Electric Kiln"
and said "Whoa-- That's exactly the topic of my post!" However, the posts
didn't give the how-tos I am in desparate need of.
This coming weekend I need to do a fire that will have mixed ware--some bisqued
and some greenware (all the pieces are glazed). I am firing in an electric kiln
with infinate switches to cone 7. (Previously, I have only used kilns with
"high, medium, low" switches.) How should I fire this kiln? "Slo-o-o-o-wly" is
the first thing that pops into MY mind, but from that point, I'm not sure what
the firing schedule should be like. If anyone with experience could suggest a
firing schedule and perhaps any other tips that could lead to a more successful
firing of glazed greenware, I would be very, very grateful.
Thank you,
Dawn Finney
The Electric Differential Multimedia Lab
The Virtual Hospital
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