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orton cone problem

updated thu 30 oct 97


Donald G. Goldsobel on tue 28 oct 97

I fired my kiln the other night and had an unusual result as far as the way
the cones bent. Cone 9 was about flat, 10 was nose t toes and 11 was laying
on the back of 10. Usually when 10 reaches this position 11 is just
starting to bend. Could a 30 minute stalll just around cone 7 or 8 be the

Any help is appreciated.

Donald goldsobel in the San Fernando Valley where fall is finally here (but
the day time temp is still in the high seventies)

Rebecca Harvey on wed 29 oct 97

We were having the same type of problem with 5, 6, 7. Cone 6 was bending
before 5. 5+7 were going at he same time. Orton said it had somrthing to do
with the series , were we mixing old cones with new? we weren't. . The
problem stopped eventually - ,several boxes of cones later. Very odd.

Cameron Harman on wed 29 oct 97

I have been using Orton cones since 1950 and as good as the
Orton people are (and they are very good !) it seems that
from time to time a particular cone doesn't fall or doesn't
fall right.

Sometimes it is because of they way they are placed into
the cone pat, maybe the worng angle, or maybe the wrong side
facing the 82 degree angle, sometimes they just appear to be

I have never taken a cone position as the final arbiter of a
fire. I use them for an indication only, looking for fire to
fire consistency. That way one gets to keep at least some of
one's hair.

Cameron G. Harman, Jr. 215-245-4040 fax 215-638-1812
Ceramic Services, Inc 1060 Park Ave. Bensalem, PA 19020
see our web site at
THE place for solutions to ALL your kiln and drier problems