FAY & RALPH Loewenthal on mon 3 feb 97
Here in South Africa one cannot patent anything that is in general use
such as the word "TYRE", and any process that has been around for
many years. Mosaic Art has been around for centuries as evidinced by
the Roman, Greek and Byzantine mosaic art. Unless one designs a unique
item or process or add something unique to make a new item or process
it almost impossible to get a patent. Even then the costs are so exorbitant
that nobody bothers unless the patent's costs can be financially justified.
That patent could not be enforced internationally. I would seriously look
into some way to approach the Minister of Arts to get this patent nullified.
If that does not work, find a Patent Lawyer who would be prepared to work
"Pro Bono", I am sure that the law cannot allow a common process to be
patented. Good luck Ralph
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