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plaster bats/molds

updated thu 30 oct 97


Joyce Lee, Jim Lee on sun 26 oct 97

Does anyone know of a commercial or studiomade finish that will give a
hard surface/edge to plaster bats and molds? If so, would you be
willing to take the time to share this information? We're trying to
eliminate the crumbliness that tends to occur around the edges. Maybe
we're using the wrong plaster? Thank you.

A bit chilly in the Mojave

John H. Rodgers on tue 28 oct 97

-- [ From: John H. Rodgers * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Hi, Joyce!

I use US Gypsum #1 pottery plaster for both bats and molds. I use the Pure
and Simple bat making system for making bats. When the plaster sets, I use
my mold knife and trim the edges at a 45 degree angle. I cut the edge so
there is a bevel about 1/4 inch wide all the way around. I cut molds the
same way. This eliminates the tendency for the edge of the mold or bat to
chip and get fragments in the clay. Actually, on the bats that I use for
throwing pots, I cut the edge deeper so the face of the bevel is really
wider than 1/4 inch. This makes it easy to get my fingers under the bat to
lift it off the wheel.

I have made a few thousand molds, and I don't think treating the edge is
really necessary if they are trimmed properly.


John Rodgers
The Alaska Guy in Alabama

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

Date: Sunday, 26-Oct-97 12:28 PM

From: Joyce Lee, Jim Lee \ Internet: (
To: CLAYART LIST \ Internet: (

Subject: Plaster bats/molds

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Does anyone know of a commercial or studiomade finish that will give a hard
surface/edge to plaster bats and molds? If so, would you be willing to take
the time to share this information? We're trying to eliminate the
crumbliness that tends to occur around the edges. Maybe we're using the
wrong plaster? Thank you.

A bit chilly in the Mojave

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

James Lee on wed 29 oct 97

Thanks so much for your reply to my plaster bats query. One more question
please: Do you put hardware cloth on any such material in your bats? Thanks
very much.

Jim....Joyce's mold maker.