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plaster workshop reminder

updated wed 30 apr 97


Jonathan Kaplan on sat 26 apr 97

Just a reminder that if anyone is still interested, I will still offer my
"Plaster Mold and Model" intensive workshop at my plant in July. I am
reposting the particulars below. If there is interest, post me personally.


Plaster Mold Workshop -Molds for Slip Casting(lots of cross-over for
jiggering also)

Goals: Overcoming the fear of working with plaster and learning the correct
methods and techniques to make molds in your own shop. Each participant is
asked to bring an oversize bisque pot (10%-15% to allow for shrinkage of
your ware) from which you will make a block mold (the first mold) and then
a case mold ( the master mold) which will then allow you to produce working
molds for your production in you own studio. As an additional item, I will
cover slip casting basics to you can jump right in and make stuff!!
Handouts provided, including the USG volume and mix calculator. No text

Dates: Wednesday-Friday July 16-18 1996 allows participants weekend time
to finish up
their work
studios open 8:00am -8:00 pm
instruction 9-11 am 2-5pm

Fees: Tuition $350.00
Materials $ 50.00 includes plaster, rubber compounds if required
total $400.00

deposit: $200.00 to reserve your space. Completely refundable it
there is not enough
interest to run the work shop. You may post date
your checks 6/1/97

If there are not enought participants to run the workshop, the
cancellation date is
July 1, 1997. I will return deposit checks the week of 7/1/97

To Bring: Work clothes, an oversize bisque piece from which you will make a
block mold
and a case mold suitable to produce working molds in your studio

Other stuff to bring: any recreational gear, bikes, in-line skates, sense
of humor

Enrollement: limited to 6 participants. I will need a minimum of 4

Food and Lodging: available in the resort community of Steamboat Springs.
Contact the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association (970) 879-0880 for
lodging information

Book early as the community is a destination resort even during the summer.

Content: plaster, the material how it works and why
correct shop procedures
mixing and pouring
jigs and fixtures
mold shop stuff to have
parting compounds
visualizing the mold-parts and parting lines
models-turning plaster
models-the hows, the what and the goods
block molds
case molds-gypsum and rubber
working molds
and as an extra: casting bodies, formulation and
deflocculation, specific gravity
viscosity, etc.

Jonathan Kaplan
Ceramic Design Group Ltd./Production Services
PO Box 775112
Steamboat Springs CO 80477

(970) 879-9139*voice and fax