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potter's poem

updated fri 31 may 96


Kenneth A. Moore on sat 25 may 96

Piece of Art

Down the stairs
Into the dark
The smell of clean dirt
The wheel spins
The shapeless mass takes shape
Her hands molding, pushing
A bowl?
A glass?
A piece of her soul
For all to gaze
She sets it down
Beside the rest
Of her soul
It looks the same
Yet it stands out
As an individual
As a work of Art

Written by my 16 year old, just coming into his own. What do you think?

Manassas, VA
.....still looking for a used pugmill....

Please note new server/e-address on sat 25 may 96

Terrific 16 year old...
Am I being gender paranoid, but why do so many female potters
start out in dark basements? Do men work below ground too?
If I am being gender sensitive,keep the flaming below cone
10...Elca Branman