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pottery web page

updated wed 30 apr 97


John McCain on thu 3 apr 97

We have a question for all you Clayart readers who have experience with
pottery web pages - do they generate sufficient income to justify their
use? We are considering a web page; however, we do not want to embark
on this venture to just show our pots to other potters. We would really
appreciate your appraisal.

John and Judy McCain
Palo Pinto Pottery

John McCain on fri 4 apr 97

michael mayer wrote:
> Check with your local provider, often many providers give up to five free
> megabytes to play around with.
> Use it as a personal page, if enough business comes your way via your page
> think about getting your own domain.
> Hope that helped, Michael
> At 10:34 AM 4/3/97 EST, you wrote:


Thanks for you info. Do you have specific information about income
generation from pottery web pages? We really want to know cost/benefit
information. No problem generating our web page, plenty of providers
quite willing to do so; however, our concern is about return on

Best regards,
John and Judy McCain
Palo Pinto Pottery

Tony Hansen on mon 7 apr 97

John McCain wrote:
> We have a question for all you Clayart readers who have experience with
> pottery web pages - do they generate sufficient income to justify their
> use?

I think you should look at a web site as a brochure. Keep it up to date
continue to promote as you do now, but get that web site address into as
many faces as you can. Make the site better and better as time goes on.
Don't count on business being generated from it without effort, you've
to let people know over and over again where it is. Put your web address
on your business card especially. On your car bumper. Your hat.
you can.

Tony Hansen, IMC
INSIGHT5/Magic of Fire II demos at