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precious metal clay (pmc)

updated mon 31 mar 97 on sat 1 mar 97

I haven't worked with PMC yet, but I did send for the Rio Grande catalog and
I thought I'd pass along the info in it. After you soften the clay (80% fine
silver powder, 20% water & binder). . .
"Place dried piece into a kiln (set on alumina). Bring temp to a constant
900'C/1650'F ( for silver PMC). Fire for 2-3 hours. After firing, let piece
cool till redness disappears, then quench. (If PMC is overheated, it melts.)
Once fired, the piece has a crystalline structure on the surface (which can
be sanded off). Finish and polish as desired.
NOTE: The shrinkage rate is 40-60%!!!! So much for my designs of sticking
this on pots!
Hope this helps, Diane (in Tucson where we are actually having WEATHER!)