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primitive and saggar fired wares

updated sat 31 may 97


Richard Lippman on wed 14 may 97

I would love any feedback on either of these two processes including specific
ideas for achieving special glazed and fumed effects on the pots. Also has
anyone tried saggar firing with materials in an electric kiln. Any hazards to
watch for. Thanks

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Mizkool on mon 19 may 97

Richard, I have been experimenting with saggering in an electric kiln for
about 10 months. I have built a sagger container out of stoneware and I
am using am old electric kiln which I replaced the coils in. It has been
somewhat sucessful but I was firering the kiln to hot at first and still
have much more to learn. The main ingredient that I use is vermiculite
mixed with sulfates, copper and iron and then other materials, some
seaweed , copper pieces and garbage. Ihave also used some potassium
dichromate diluted in hot water and mixed with vermiculite. Cones 012
right now, I may have to go lower to get the colors I want. It has been
one big experiment. I use porcelain with a terr sig applied when leather
hard or somewhat drier. I am going to try some other clay bodies and some
other materials soon. This is a process that I learned last spring at
Haystack taking a workshop from Jim Lawton, who a friend called, the King
of saggers. The only difference is that we fired in gas and used a
redware body. Hope this helps.
Kathie Keane