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production shop for lamp bases

updated mon 31 mar 97


Peter Jackson on mon 3 mar 97

Looking for a production shop that could produce hand-thrown lamp bases for a
wholesaler of furniture, home accessories and decorative accessories. The
volume required would be approximately 5000 pieces per year. (Approximate
sales volume for this deal would be in the $60,000-80,000 annual range).
Sizes range from a 2 lbs. jug, to a 10 lbs. jar. Glazes required would be
in the cone 6-8 range, reduction fired, and range from an "oatmeal" with
simple banding brush decorations, to solid hunter green, navy blue, etc. The
right production shop would preferably be located in the Mid-Atlantic region
to save on shipping costs. If you are interested, or know of a production
shop that might fit the bill, please contact me.


Peter W. Jackson

P. Wakefield & Co.
139 E. Rockdale Road
Cambridge, WI 53523