Nan Rothwell on fri 23 aug 96
Here's my two cents worth of product reviews for those who asked.
I've used a bluebird pug for nearly eighteen years and been very pleased with
it. I bought it as a regular (non de-airing) model -- I think it was a 750
-- and then after less than a year, sent the barrel back to them for
conversion to a de-ariing pug. I find a significant difference between the
clay that's been de-aired and that which hasn't. that fact was confirmed for
me several years ago when my compressor wasn't working for a while and I had
to use it in the old mode for a few weeks. I've had no major problems wit
the pug -- jsut the odd maintanance /repairs predictable for a machine used
regularly over many years, and found Bluebird pleasant and reliable. (Except
for being a satisfied cusotmer, I've no connection with the company.)
I've used a Max wheel for over twenty years. I think I must have bought one
of their first models -- since their ad says they've been in business since
19732 and I bought mine in early '73. It's completely reliable, quite
powerful, and has decent speed control and power at low speeds. But it is
VERY noisy. When I occasionally go to friends' studios and use their quiet
new Brents and Pacificas, I get new-wheel envy. But it's hard to justify
getting a new machine when the old one still works well, so I just keep going
with it. (same disclaimer about business connections -- I've never had to
contact them about the wheel in all these years, so can't speak to dealing
with them...)
Hope this helps...
Nan Rothwell
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