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raku hint

updated wed 30 apr 97


jennifer reilly on sat 12 apr 97

>dear inge,
> I am new also. I don't know if this trick will work after time but
after a raku firing i wash my pieces with "ajax" and it make them brighter.

jennifer reilly >

Inge Jung on sun 13 apr 97

Hi Jennifer,
thank you for your message.
I use ajax after the pieces come out of the reductioncans
some of the time, and it does brigthen the colors.
I am more interested in preserving the colors for long periods
of time. I have heard some people use silicon spray on their
work for preserving color. I would like more information on that
treatment though befor I put it on any of my pieces.
Thanks again for responding to my question.
I am really exited to be part of clayart.
Hope, to hear from someone soon,

Charles Williams on mon 14 apr 97

I recently attended a workshop by Robert Piepenburg in Miami. His contention
is that the durability of colors is related to the amount of copper in the
glaze; ie., the larger the amount of copper, the shorter the interval to
re-oxidation. He used a glaze he calls "alligator" which produced brilliant
and varied colors. He thinned the glaze to water consistency and used a very
thin layer. The formula for this glaze, I think, can be found in his book
"Raku Pottery".
I hope this helps!
