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recipe request-raku

updated fri 31 jan 97


Bryan Hannis on wed 22 jan 97

I'm looking for stable, long lasting raku glazes, if anyone has a
favorite that they would like to pass along I would be very
appreciative. I'm looking for crackle and copper lusters or mattes.


David Donica on thu 23 jan 97

Del Favero Luster: Gerstly Borate 80
Cornwall Stone 20
Copper Carb 2

Reynolds Rap: (a very fun glaze) Gerstly B 63
Custer Spar 12
Silica 12
ball Clay 6
Barium Carb 6
Copper Carb 12

Marks Copper Matt: Frit 3110 10
Copper Carb 90
Iron Ox 5

Multi Colored Copper Sand Gerstly B 8
bone Ash 2
Copper Carb .5
Cobalt Ox .5

Maggie Shepard
FireWorks Pottery
Mt. Shasta, Calif.

Don Goodrich on fri 24 jan 97

Here are some raku glazes:

Copper Luster (reduce in sawdust)
Gerstley Borate 80
Cornwall Stone 20
add: Copper Carbonate 3
Red Iron Oxide 1
For Gold Luster add 5% silver chloride instead, reduce in straw

Dry Alligator (reduce in mixture of straw & sawdust)
Gerstley Borate 44.25
Nephelene Syenite 10.00
Bone Ash 19.75
Copper Carbonate 10.00

Tutti Frutti (reduce in sawdust)
Gerstley Borate 80
Neph Syenite 10
Talc 10
Copper Carbonate 5

Good luck,
Don Goodrich