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recipes for wash

updated mon 30 jun 97


Turfle, Susan A. on sat 7 jun 97

posting for a friend:

I recently purchased a new kiln and fire up to cone 10. I have used a
shelf wash of 50% Kaolin and 50% Silica (flint; 200 mesh). I am
searching for new recipes for a non-flaking kiln wash for shelves.
Has anyone ever used 50% Koalin and 50% Mullite (35-100 mesh)? Any
help/advice/experiences in this area would be appreciated. Thanks in

Please email responses to clayart or

Fay & Ralph Loewenthal on mon 9 jun 97

Don Jung kindly sent me this recipe for kiln wash:
The kiln wash that we now use is a combination of two
recipes that originated from Clayarters. One from Tom
Buck...many thanks and the other passed down through
many emails through Marilyn for Robert Tetu's kiln wash.
These recipes are as follows:

Robert Tetu's Kiln Wash:

50 gm Alumina Hydrate
25 gm EPK
25 gm Silica

Tom Buck's Kiln Wash:

Alumina hydrate 32
EPK 35
Kyanite (35 mesh) 17
Silica Sand 16

Combo Kiln Wash:

Alumina hydrate 40
EPK 30
Kyanite (35 mesh) 8
Silica 22

Robert Tetu's kiln wash is excellent; very smooth, lasts a
long time and is likely what a really good commercial kiln
wash is like. Only one problem, stays on so well that
glaze drips and fine spray was tough to remove. Tom
Buck's kiln wash is also excellent, but is very coarse and
rough with Silica Sand and Kyanite granules. This I
found extremely good for removing glaze drips and glaze
'spray' (cobalt glazes). It seemed a bit too coarse we tried a combination of the two. Well, it's
working out quite well. Holds on great but can be
rubbed easily with a silicon carbide brick to remove glaze
bits. It also fills in any irregularities and the rubbing
action of the brick gets it nice and even. Happy to say
that I haven't had to chisel or grind the shelves anymore.
Haven't had any flaking or peeling, so we're just
re-applying over rubbed thin or exposed areas. By the
way, don't forget to rub and clean the underside of the
shelves as dirty posts transfer bits to the underside
which in another firing will fall into some pots. Yeah, I'll
get around to cleaning the posts one day too...
Don Jung
Kensington Pottery
Vancouver BC Canada

I included the whole message to give credit where it is
due. Hope this helps Ralph in PE SA