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red iron/rutile wash

updated wed 30 apr 97


Eleanora Eden on mon 14 apr 97

Hi Autumn and all,

I used to use a mix of 2 RIO to 1 rutile (by volume) as a great overglaze
slip, got lots of neat rutile crystals. I always thought that 2 rutile/1
RIO would do similarly good things only less red more orange but never
tried it.

Eleanora...I'm so behind on messages I'll be out of synch for awhile...
rather I mean more than usual which is alot already...and
BTW just made what I thought was a private message to Jennifer to the
group...nice to be home and just a bit whelmed

Eleanora Eden 802 869-2003
Paradise Hill
Bellows Falls, VT 05101

[the address is temporary. My mailbox at still works -- do not change address books]