Elca Branman on wed 9 apr 97
So for those of us who stayed at home, pouted,were mean to our honeys and
didn't have an opportubity to gamble, how about some info on NCECA?
Branman Potters elcab1@juno.com
in Stone Ridge ,N.Y.
in the Hudson Valley
Marcia Selsor on thu 10 apr 97
For those who missed it. I agree with many of the things Vince
described. The ceramic exhibitions were excellent. I am saddened by the
theft of the "Forbidden Fruit" as I have already posted all the posters
and cards I collected throughout the shop. That piece was one of the
most beautiful. My students were distracted by the gaming, although they
did participate in the conference and get something from it.
The hotel was really tacky with ding!ding!ding! a constant sound 24
hrs/day. There was no lobby for friends to congregate. I really enjoyed
David Hickey's Keynote address which never mentioned clay once but
discussed reestablishing the art market with a history of 20th cent. art
and state funding as well as state tax breaks for collectors donating to
The performances by Pat Oleszko were great! especially for being in
I loved reading name tags and connecting people with their Clayart
participation. That was truly fun.
We drove thru the Valley of Fire on the way back to Montana. That was a
very pleasant and beautiful way to "detox" from Vegas.
See you all next year.
Marcia in Montana
Elca Branman wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message------------------------ how about
Marcia Selsor
K. Lorensen on tue 15 apr 97
Elca Branman wrote in article
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> So for those of us who stayed at home, pouted,were mean to our honeys and
> didn't have an opportubity to gamble, how about some info on NCECA?
> Branman Potters elcab1@juno.com
> in Stone Ridge ,N.Y.
> in the Hudson Valley
Hi Elca,
This was my first NCECA and was a truly inspiring, fun-filled trip. Yes,
it was good for a case of sensory overload, but Las Vegas or not, I LOVED
IT! My favorite by far, was the demonstrations by Phillip Cornelius. He
showed his talent, encouraged us to "let go" and had a great sense of
humor. Would love to see him on PBS! I also enjoyed cruising the
commercial exhibits. Fun to shop and buy, but mostly, fun to see what
folks are doing and to be with such wonderful people. My biggest
disappointment was that the scheduled tour buses to exhibits were not at
all dependable. Maybe next year.
Before I went, I wasn't sure that I "belonged" at NCECA. I sell a little,
but am not a pro and likely never will be. I am not an educator of
ceramics and surely never will be. But I felt very welcome and will
surely make an effort to attend future conferences.
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