Mo Cain on sat 22 feb 97
First attempt after being fervent listener for several weeks.
Seems like a mystery (or a Misery!)
I made up a batch (1kg) of Sharon's Golden ash and today I opened the
kiln....rotten. A pale yellowish cream semi matte with very few tiny
brown specks. The clay is white.
No runs no golden rivulets and the wax resist line about 1 inch up from
the bottom of the cylinder was a perfect edge. My regular glazes should
look so good.
The firing schedule in a 27" Paragon was as follows..
0930hrs low/low lid cracked top vent open
1230hrs med/med lid closed top vent open
1530hrs high/high top vent open
1915hrs top vent closed
2000hrs kilnsitter ^7 snapoff
2000-2030hrs soak at med/med
2030hrs turned off.
On opening kiln found the ^6 senior cone at 4 o'clock position.
The raw glaze looked great on the pot before firing and its specific
gravity was 1.2.
Any suggestions? Should I increase the Specific Gravity or put on two
coats? What about switching from Redart to Alberta or Goldart etc? I'm
recently retired and am new at this clay business. Engineering
background rather arts (Arts?) and the small group I am working with
think that I can fix anything!!! Where do I go next. Bottom line i s we
are looking for a glaze that looks like one of Leach's pots with the ash
glaze running down in torrents.( Not sticking to the shelf naturally..
already been there done that)
Thanks for any help ..any mispellins chalk up to my Britishness.
Gerry Barbe on mon 24 feb 97
Seeing as you and I fire just about the same I thought I would
respond to this. Seems like the glaze is underfired here. My senior
cone 6 melts into the 5. The temperature registers at about 2250 F.
but this does not mean much. I keep the kiln firing after the cone 7
in the sitter shuts the kiln off and until the viewing cones are
"just right". Fire a bit hotter and you could notice a nice
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> The firing schedule in a 27" Paragon was as follows..
> 0930hrs low/low lid cracked top vent open
> 1230hrs med/med lid closed top vent open
> 1530hrs high/high top vent open
> 1915hrs top vent closed
> 2000hrs kilnsitter ^7 snapoff
> 2000-2030hrs soak at med/med
> 2030hrs turned off.
> On opening kiln found the ^6 senior cone at 4 o'clock position.
> The raw glaze looked great on the pot before firing and its specific
> gravity was 1.2.
Marilyn & Gerry Barbe
Ailsa Craig, On, CANADA
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