Patrick & Lynn Hilferty on thu 29 aug 96
Does anyone know anything about silkcreening on clay? My clever idea of
using photo emulsion as a medium to create a ceramic "photo" has turned
into a research project that is badly in need of a grant writer. I've run
across articles about Les Laurence and someone whose name escapes me
recently in Ceramics Monthly that featured silkscreening and ceramic
process, but the information is too sketchy, even for me.
Any information on this subject would be appreciated.
Patrick Hilferty
Patrick Hilferty
Web: Http://
Anne McFadden on thu 29 aug 96
Patrick -
I saw in the axner catalogue a book called "Ceramics and Print" by
Paul Scott. I haven't personally read it, but here's the blurb for
it on pg C-135:
"Concentrates on the media used by contemporary ceramists. These
include screen printing, both transfer decoration and working
directly onto clay; photographic processes; sponge printing; stamped
wares; linocuts; and prints from plaster slabs. More sophistocated
methods are also described. 128 pgs, 25 color & 86 b&w
Anyways, it sounds like its what you're looking for. :)
Good luck!..... Anne in Beeton, Ontario
"Kevin Hulmes - Leamington Spa, on fri 30 aug 96
Subject: Silkscreen on clay
Anne McFadden's suggestion of Paul Scott's book looks right on target
for your needs. I have the book, but haven't yet "used" it. Contents
Historical and Industrial background 19pp
Relief printing 23pp
Intaglio printing 12pp
Monoprinting 17pp
Silk screen printing and decals 20pp
Lithographic printing 1pp
Direct photographic emulsions 7pp
... plus the usual appendices, including a bibliography
Title: Ceramics and Print
ISBN: 0-7136-3746-3
Publisher: A&C Black (UK)
probably Chilton in North America
Slim softback book - 128pp
Usual commercial disclaimers
* Phone/Fax/Msgs (0)1926 887003 (UK)
Keith Ekstam on fri 30 aug 96
A good friend of mine, Greig Thompson, at the University of Missouri-
Columbia Museum of Art and Archaeology, has done a fair amount of screening
slips onto clay. I'll bet he could answer some questions. on sat 31 aug 96
Why don't you try contacting Les Lawrence at Grossmont College in San Diego,
CA. I know he has given workshops on his process in the past - he may be
scheduling another.
> I've run across articles about Les Laurence and someone whose name escapes
>recently in Ceramics Monthly that featured silkscreening and ceramic
>process, but the information is too sketchy, even for me.
Carole Rishel
Bastrop, TX
KEMPB on sun 1 sep 96
A good friend of mine, Greig Thompson, at the University of Missouri-
Columbia Museum of Art and Archaeology, has done a fair amount of
slips onto clay. I'll bet he could answer some questions.
Does anyone have an e-mail or snail-mail address for the above Greig
Brian Kemp. Singapore
CHIA YU TENG,DEE on sun 8 sep 96
Hi Patrick Hilferty! :)
Read your msg about silkscreening on clay.
I tried out Les LAwrences method used in his New Vision's Vessels.
bat, image turned out darker and clearer/finer if coloured ceramic stain was
screened directly onto plaster bat. This was the suggestion of my dear lecturer
As it's just the stain and the medium without the clay particles, the resulting
image was much clearer. However, you may find that with black, there is not muc
Hope this is of use....
DEE :)
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