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skin allergies

updated thu 31 jul 97


KDrescherg on wed 9 jul 97

I have a student that has developed an allergic reaction ( a skin rash) to
the stoneware- raku white clay body that we are using Soldate -60 from
Aardvark I am interested in anyone who has had same or similar experiences
and how to get around it. Right now we are letting her use a local
eatherware clay body. This has not produced any ill effects. She may miss
out on high firing or rakuing with a white caly body. There was a product
called invisible gloves I have never tried it, but I can not find it any

Paula Offutt on fri 11 jul 97

>From: KDrescherg
>Subject: Skin Allergies

>I have a student that has developed an allergic reaction ( a skin rash)
>to the stoneware- raku white clay body that we are using There was a
>product called invisible gloves I have never tried it, but I can not
>find it any more.

While at Haywood, there were several students who had allergic reactions
and/or dermitis like stuff from clays. IMHO, its more the mold and
the wet than the clay materials. (altho people can have allergic
reactions to pert near anything at any time, no matter how many
thousands of times they have been exposed) I get rashes too, but usually
when I don't wash well enough afterwards (amazing how far up the arm mud
will travel, ain't it?)

I cleared my rashes up by doing 2 things: washing my arms and hands more
often and drying them completely, and by using a bees wax lotion before
starting and after washing. The beeswax will make the water bead on my
skin. When it stops beading, I wash up and reapply. I do not use the
beeswax lotion while glazing tho! Acts like a wax resist so there were
finger marks everywhere!

my 2cents worth,
Paula Offutt (in western North Carolina)

Inge Jung on sun 13 jul 97

I have a cream that is called KERODEX, which I apply before throwing.
It is not that easy to find. Here were I live we have one drugstore that
carries it.
Kerodex works almost like a second skin when applied . I find it stays
on for a long time when I,m doing wetwork.
I hope, this helps. Gool luck finding it.


Terrance Lazaroff on sun 13 jul 97

Find out if there is any talc in the clay. If there is it could be that,
that is causing the rash.
