Elca Branman on sat 17 may 97
Does anyone out there in the great clay world have a phone # or address
for a source for Kaowool chimney liners...I need to find out the cost for
them...Thanks in advance..Elca
Elca Branman
Branman Potters ,Stone Ridge, N.Y.
in the Hudson Valley
Nils Lou on sun 18 may 97
They are about $10 each. Order from Fire Brick Supply,1407 Marshall av, St
Paul, MN 55104--ask for Dona
On Sat, 17 May 1997, Elca Branman wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone out there in the great clay world have a phone # or address
> for a source for Kaowool chimney liners...I need to find out the cost for
> them...Thanks in advance..Elca
> Elca Branman
> Branman Potters ,Stone Ridge, N.Y.
> in the Hudson Valley
> elcab1@juno.com
Teri Seeley on sun 18 may 97
Elca Branman wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Does anyone out there in the great clay world have a phone # or address
> for a source for Kaowool chimney liners...I need to find out the cost for
> them...
One company who manufactures them is Thermal Ceramics in Augusta, GA. I have
2 numbers for their headquarters: (706) 555 1212 and (706) 796 4200. They
will probably refer you to a distributor. The one I went through was the
Philadelpha office at (610) 293-9750. They will probably refer you to a
a supply house. I actually purchased my liners from P&H Sales in Hanover,
Maryland at (410) 859 8460.
Thermal refers to the liners as "riser sleeves". The 8-1/2" ID variety
come in 1 foot lengths in boxes of 8. The sleeves fit quite nicely inside
10" galvanized stove pipe, which you can get in 2 foot lengths at your
local hardware store. BTW I have Nils Lou to thank for this information.
You can find it in his excellent book, the Art of Firing.
Theresa and William Seeley 410 486-3171 (voice)
Villa Nova Pottery 410 484-6273 (fax)
4015 Buckingham Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207
"186,000 miles/second is not just a good idea - its the law!"
APGreenLA on fri 23 may 97
I suggest looking under Refractory in your phone book for a dealer. If
you are looking for just the ceramic fiber blanket rolls you can try
APGreen nation wide at 800-887-5555, there may be a dealer near you.
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