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south central pa, newly forming guild

updated mon 31 mar 97


Nancy Rogers on mon 31 mar 97

Greetings to all you potters in South Central PA.
Several of us have been talking about forming a loose association of Potters
[full time and part time professionals, hobbyists, beginners, and wanna-be's]
in the Susquehanna Valley area. The purpose of this group is to establish a
supportive and educative community in which potters could: socialize
occasionally, exchange ideas, pass on creative energy, impart personal
wisdom/experience, find a companion with which to attend workshops, and make
a group application to Studio Potter's Network (SPN). Once the group finds
stability of sorts, the group can decide what other focus/purpose it may wish
to establish.
Anyone interested please E-mail me directly with your name, snail mail
address and phone number. We'll send you our letter regarding the first
gathering which we hope to have near the time and place of the 5th Annual
Strictly Functional Pottery National.

Nancy L. Rogers the Cracked Potter in Hershey, PA